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Apex Kingdom is an art-centered Cardano-based NFT project striving to be the world's greatest community. It is a project rooted in excellence, transparency, generosity, and by putting others before ourselves.
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The Apex Predators

There came a day when animals transformed into something the world had never seen. The animals that had roamed Earth for all-time had slowly begun to die off, and mysterious new breeds of animals began to appear. But where had these animals come from?

Gone was the fur and skin of animals past. These new breeds of animals were made of things like wood & metal, and they seemed to be indestructible. Rumor was that there was an accident at a lab hidden away at an unknown place on Earth, and something had clearly gone terribly wrong. The truth is no one knew where it happened or exactly what had gone down. What they do know is that these new animals began reproducing all over Earth, and were anything but normal.

Quickly they mutilated all the other animals from the face of the Earth. And soon after they turned on their own, the only surviving animals that anyone knew about were Bears, Sharks, Elephants, Whales, Bobcats, Owls, Lions, Cobras, Eagles, and Cheetahs. They roamed Earth, causing havoc wherever they went. And soon, they began to travel in packs. But not packs of the same animal; they traveled in packs of the same breed. Factions of metal animals fought glass animals and automotives fought wood factions; the Earth was in chaos!

As Earth turned into disarray, people began to realize there was only one solution: to find the lab where it all began.

Apex Team

Jeff was introduced to crypto back in 2016 when his friend sent him .01 bitcoin. He then cashed it in for $5 (he's been paperhanding assets ever since).

In 2017 he minted some cryptokitties on Eth and was told about this amazing coin called Cardano that same year. It was a good friend that had invested in Jeff's past endeavors (including the purchase of some, unbeknownst-to-him, broken ping pong tables) who helped seed fund what is now known as Ping Pong Labs. Ping Pong's first attempt at an NFT was a crazy idea to combine the real world with the NFT world to create a quasi-IRL treasure hunt. This led to the discovery of the metaverse world, a few goodinvestments, and the rest is history.

When not dropping GIFs in Discord, Jeff works in the non-profit world, coaches volleyball, and hangs with his fam.

Jeff Sutherland

Nathan is a 4th year college student studying business finance and art. He was introduced to the world of Cardano by Jeff and has been branching out into the community ever since. His passion for personal finance and communal investing led to the creation of the Black Tie Collective, a small group of investors on Cardano trying to battle it out during a brutal bear market.

Nathan Coons
Apex Nathan

Bwmstr (Pronounced bow master) entered the crypto space in late 2019. What started off with a few purchases and research toward some of the major stable coins, he quickly became an invested and avid supporter of the cardano token and NFT space. After seeing the issues that a lot of other major chains were having, he knew his love for learning, growing and being a part of a community, resided in the CNFT space. After meeting and working with Nathan and Jeff in other projects, his loyalty and hard working attitude became a no brainer for the community manager role.

Core Team

Wilson Ape has been a crypto investor since late 2017, but also remembers buying bitcoin in 2014 and flipping it all for 6x gains that same year (genius!). He also admits to being an investor in the CNFT space as far back as March 2022 while actively trying to block out the horrible CNFT investments he made prior to that time. Wilson is a software engineer by trade, almost bilingual (i.e., only other gringos can understand his spanish), and super enthusiastic about growing Cardano and CNFT!

Wilson Ape
Core Team

Torhok is a software engineer with 14 years of experience in developing apps and managing projects. He lives in Germany, loves Metal Core and Djent. He got into Cardano about a year ago and hopes to work on Cardano projects full-time soon.

Core Team

Bryce Bowman has been fascinated with crypto and NFTs for about 2 years now. Startups and Growth have always been a passion of his, and one in which he's been chasing down some fun avenues. He's thrilled to be able help the Apex team deliver professional content that will further every member's enjoyment and investment in the project.

Bryce Bowman
Core Team

Swaggins started as a Mission Driven Cardano SPO, shifted into NFTs in September 2021, been in the community ever since. It was his focus to use his professional experience as a teacher and consultant to support NFT projects in the space and help to shift the mentality from niche hobby to legitimate industry. He believes in the strength of being real, but also spreading positivity and perspective through education and open discussions.


Alloss is the founder, project leader and the extremely talented artist at the Safari Squad. He is a perfectionist in all that he does, and has been advising the team in all things related to the production of art. He is from Iceland, and loves black licorice.

When was the Predator mint?
It started October 15th and ran until sellout on October 28th.
What was the mint price?
ApexLegacy/WL: ₳55
Public: ₳65
What is the Predator NFT supply?
Are there any 1/1 Predators in the collection?
Yes! There are 10 predator species and each one has a King.